Poiema Foundation - Education and Public Awareness of Human Trafficking

All it takes is a
Caring Heart

Prayer Team

This ministry exists to present the praises and petitions of the Poiema Foundation and its community before the Lord. Prayer lays the foundation for everything and the power of prayer is undeniable. Nothing is too trivial or too big to pray for. Our prayer warriors receive prayer requests and praises via email from our prayer team leader as they arise.

Find out more about our Prayer Team Ministry.

Prerequisites: None
Documents Required: None
Volunteer: Online Prayer Meeting Schedule

Community Awareness Outreach

Educating the public about human trafficking is essential to ending modern-day slavery. Each month, multiple teams of trained volunteers distribute posters of missing minors known or suspected of being in the area to hotels, bus stations, first responders, and local businesses in high-risk locations throughout Dallas and the surrounding cities. Each team consists of at least one of the following: an experienced team leader, a driver, a data collector, and a prayer warrior.

We currently have community outreach teams in Bedford, Carrollton, Commerce, Dallas, Denton,  Frisco, Greenville, Haltom City, Mansfield, Mesquite, Rockwall, Sherman/Denison, Southlake and South Carolina.

volunteer group in parking garage about to head out for outreach


Documents Required:

  • Waiver of Liability - Electronically signed when you signup for Outreach.


  • Signup for Outreach - You must have completed the required training and be logged into VolunteerHub to see these events.

Direct Care

Safe House Support

The success of our safe house programs and services is largely dependent on support provided by caring volunteers. Our Direct Care ministry offers both long- and short-term opportunities for service in areas such as home maintenance, life skills, mentoring programs, educational opportunities, and Bible studies.

Safe House Volunteer Church GroupSafe House Volunteer Teach CookingSafe House Volunteer - Teach Art

To ensure you are set up for success, your safety, and the safety of our residents; volunteering at the Safe House requires more in-depth training.

Training Required:

After completed the above required training,  the following documents must be provided.  We value those who want to help us empower our residents through direct care at our Safe House.  Please contact us if you have any questions about volunteering with our residents.

Documents Required:

Encouragement Team

Survivors of trafficking need plenty of encouragement and recognition of progress. Letters filled with truth, comfort, scriptures and unconditional love can mean the world to those who are trying to rebuild their lives.

Let us know that you would like to participate in our Encouragement Team and we'll get you connected with a survivor who will benefit from receiving letters of faithful encouragement.

Prerequisites: None

Documents Required:

  • Confidentiality Agreement - Electronically signed when you signup for the Encouragement Team.


Administrative and Event

Volunteers assist in a wide variety of technical, IT, clerical and customer service duties, such as the production of marketing materials, general office tasks, and data maintenance. Volunteers can also be of great service for speaking presentations by providing speaker companionship and transportation, onsite IT collaboration, information table management, and/or answering ministry-related questions from people in attendance.Let us know if  you are interested in administrative and event volunteer opportunities.

Documents Required:

  • Confidentiality Agreement - Electronically signed when you signup to volunteer.


Fundraising Team

Fundraising is, first and foremost, a form of ministry. It is a way of announcing our vision and providing an opportunity for other people to participate with us in our mission. This team of volunteers is gifted and passionate about raising money to help us sustain our Safe House and Victim Care ministries.

Let us know that you would like to join the Fundraising Team to volunteer at our fundraising events or have creative ideas to help us raise the funds needed to sustain our ministries.

Prerequisites: None

Documents Required:

  • Waiver of Liability - - Electronically signed when you signup for Fundraising.
  • Confidentiality Agreement - Download and sign this form.

Training Classes

To equip our team with the necessary skills and knowledge, all Poiema volunteers are required to attend the trainings specific to their jobs. These trainings are also open to anyone interested in learning more about Human Trafficking. The dates and times of Poiema trainings are available on our Volunteer Hub Calendar.

HT101 Training

Human Trafficking 101 (HT101)

HT 101 is our most basic training, and is required for anyone interested in serving with Poiema. Covering all aspects of domestic sex trafficking, HT 101 includes how to recognize trafficked victims and their perpetrators, true stories of survivors, and how to be a part of the solution to this wide-spread problem.

Register for Human Trafficking 101 Training

Internet Safety

Internet Safety

We often discuss the dangers of ever-evolving technology, but it can be intimidating to know how to educate ourselves and our kids how to stay safe online. Join us for this training to learn helpful tactics to stay safe on the web as well as tricks and schemes traffickers use to lure people in through online platforms.

Register for Internet Safety Training

Effects of Pornography

Effects of Pornography

Is there a correlation between pornography and human trafficking? Short answer, yes! In this training, we will cover the relationship between the two as well as the long-term negative effects of pornography on the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of those consuming it.

Register for Effects of Pornography Training

Community Awareness Outreach Training

Our outreach volunteers visit area businesses to distribute posters of missing children and to collect data that may lead to the children’s recovery. The training includes protocols on how to approach businesses, how to capture important information, and safety procedures.

Schedule for Community Awareness Outreach Training

Survivor Care

Survivor Care Training

This training equips volunteers to carry out with confidence Poiema’s vision of providing consistent, trauma-informed care to our safe house residents and other beneficiaries of our victims' services. Volunteers become familiar with a strength-based approach that places the real needs of survivors at the center of the process of sustained recovery.

Schedule for Survivor Care Training

Realities of Aftercare Training

This training addresses commonly held myths and misconceptions commonly held about victims and survivors of human trafficking and helps to shape a more accurate “lens” for identifying and understanding its effects. The content includes trauma’s effect on the brain, shame identities, perpetrator luring techniques, risk factors for potential victims, and the importance of trauma-informed care.

Schedule for Reality of Aftercare Training

Strength-Based Approach to Aftercare Training

It’s natural to notice the negatives in a situation or the weaknesses in ourselves and others. Strength-based training empowers volunteers to find the positives. This vital life skill helps in any setting, but is essential when working with survivors of sexual exploitation. Strength-based training views people as resourceful and resilient in the face of adversity. We focus on future outcomes and building an individual’s capacity to use her God-given strengths to identify and resolve life’s problems.

Schedule for Strength-Based Approach to Aftercare Training