Outreach Updates - April 2024

Pictured above: Poiema’s Bedford campus before departing on outreach from Mid-Cities Bible Church.
Hi *|FNAME|*,
Summer is just around the corner! I hope you’re looking forward to sunny days ahead. Today, I’m excited to share some sunshine from our recent outreach endeavors by answering a few common questions.
How does outreach make a difference?
We have the unique opportunity, through outreach, to encourage communities to keep a vigilant eye out for missing children– and invite them to join us in our anti-trafficking initiatives. Together, we can make a tangible difference in the fight against child trafficking by safeguarding vulnerable members of our community.
In April, our DFW campuses delivered 500 missing kids’ posters to businesses across the DFW metroplex; and our South Carolina campus distributed posters to Easley, SC and its surrounding cities. We also gathered intel that assists private investigators at 4TheOne.
What was last month’s recovery statistic?
Last month, FIVE out of the 14 children on our posters were safely recovered!
What intel was gathered last month during outreach?
- Early last month, J. White was safely located in Houston, TX!
- A motel clerk in Greenville shared a recent sighting of C. Rose, a young man featured on multiple Poiema posters in the past few weeks. Join us in praying that he is quickly found!
- Multiple employees at an Exxon in Cleburne have seen A. Williams in the last few weeks.
- 4TheOne received a tip from Oklahoma on G. Bigmedicine. This means that she is likely far from home. Please pray for her safety and recovery.
P.S. We want to feature your team’s photo in the outreach blogs! Snap a picture at your next outreach and email it to natalie@poiemafoundation.org.
Keep up the good fight!
Natalie Pirrone
Education and Outreach Director
945-766-0255 (mobile)
If you couldn’t make it out last month, there are plenty of upcoming opportunities to attend Outreach! You can follow the link below to view the calendar on VolunteerHub:
Poiema Foundation (volunteerhub.com)