Outreach Updates - March 2024

Pictured above: Poiema’s Cleburne campus departs on their first outreach from Providence Reformed Baptist Church.
Hi Poiema family!
I extend my sincerest gratitude to you for your invaluable contribution to our outreach efforts. Through your dedication and enthusiasm, you make a more profound impact than you may know. Your generosity of spirit continues to inspire me.
Below are some concrete results that our teams produced on the front lines this past month:
- Delivered missing kids’ posters to over 400 businesses!
- Gathered vital intel that assisted 4TheOne’s private investigators with ongoing human trafficking cases: a volunteer from one of our Dallas locations shared that A. Williams was sighted that very morning at a local gas station; in addition, N. Davis was sighted earlier that day at another gas station in the area.
- EIGHT out of the fifteen children featured on last month’s posters were recovered.
- Lastly, I am excited to share that the total number of recoveries last year was 85! Praise the Lord.
Last month, another new campus joined us as an outreach partner. Please welcome our Cleburne family (see photo above). Led by Jordan and Maggie, they operate out of Providence Reformed Baptist Church and bring great zeal and passion for the cause!
United in our efforts, together we will continue to make a positive impact on our community and beyond!
Keep up the good fight.
Natalie Pirrone
Education and Outreach Director
945-766-0255 (mobile)
If you couldn’t make it out last month, there are plenty of upcoming opportunities to attend Outreach! You can follow the link below to view the calendar on VolunteerHub:
Poiema Foundation (volunteerhub.com)