Outreach Update August 2022

As our Summer comes to an end, let’s pause and reflect on all the Lord has done through Outreach last month. In August we had 11 Outreach campuses cover 19 different routes. This means over 200 businesses were given a missing kids’ poster!
342 Recoverd Minors
Since 2015, in cooperation with law enforcement and our partnership with 4theONE, 342 minors have been recovered and, sadly, 190 of these kids were victims of sex trafficking and or sexual exploitation.
YOU Are Making a Difference
Our August Outreach blessed us with many tips about the kids on our posters! Each campusreported that many helpful tips were received from hotels and stores on their routes:
- At the Meribest Inn in Mesquite, a friendly civilian shared that he had seen S. Alvarez. He was able to give the volunteers information on when she was at that hotel and for how long. Information like this is essential in building a timeline for these missing youth, which in turn makes it that much easier to locate them!
- A Private Investigator with 4TheOne reported they received a significant tip on the tip line regarding Z. Barker. This PI is working with our Dallas Outreach campus to gain further information further.
- Two teams made calls to law enforcement after witnessing events they believed to be related to trafficking. I’m so proud of our volunteers for taking these necessary steps!
- 5 different sightings of youth from the posters were shared from businesses all over the metroplex!
I am grateful for these updates because they mean we are one step closer to finding these missing children and getting them to safety.
Be the Voice in Your Community
I would like to offer a challenge for you to be a voice in your community. There are still many people who are unaware of human trafficking. God can use our knowledge on this subject if we just step out in faith and allow Him to use us. If you were unable to serve this month, there are many upcoming opportunities to attend Outreach.
Thank you for all you do!
Natalie Pirrone
Education and Outreach Director