Introducing Natalie Pirrone

I am honored and delighted to work alongside the Poiema team as the Education and Outreach Director. In this new role I look forward to using the passion, skills, and knowledge the Lord has equipped me with. I began volunteering with Poiema in high school after attending Human Trafficking 101, led by Rebecca Jowers, at Lakepointe Church. This was my first introduction to human trafficking, and I was horrified. I wanted to learn more so I could do more. I continued to volunteer and learn more about what trafficking looks like and where it occurs. I soon realized that it was happening in my city and everywhere around me. I even saw this in real time as I participated in Poiema’s Community Awareness Outreach. My heart ached over the lack of love and value these victims experienced. Through these experiences the Lord placed a calling on my heart to work with victims of sex-trafficking. I wanted to learn as much as I could so that I could make the most impact. I continued to educate myself on the topic. I took a human trafficking course in college and pursued many other educational studies about trauma and abuse. I also did an internship with RescueHer where we educated motel owners on sex-trafficking through motel outreach and provided the National Human Trafficking Hotline number. After college, I went on to work at Traffick911 as a Voice and Choice Advocate. In that role I worked directly with minors rescued from sex-trafficking, walking alongside them on their healing journey. I am so honored to be joining the Poiema team. I look forward to seeing all the Lord does through this role and this organization!